:: So full ::

I am so full of heartache for a beautiful family who lost their baby boy in a tragic accident this week...

my heart is so full of prayers and praises for an ever.loving.ever.guiding.ever.desiring God...

our van is so full we won't be able to all fit when this baby arrives...

our garden is so full of growing green goodness...

our family is so full of disappointment over missing my fathers wedding and our planned trip back home to visit family and friends....

my hardworking, courageous, husband is so full of farm work right now...

my mind is so full of thoughts, thoughts I can't seem to form into spoken or written words....

our farm house is so full of tools my husband has been using on the house
and so full of material things we don't need but still think we do...

my belly is so full of a growing baby and will only become more full in the months to come...

my camera is so full of photos I must unload soon...

our fridge is so full of beautiful colors of fresh fruits and vegetables from our trip to town today...

our bed is so full of grains of sand and dirt from playing children each and every night...

our children are so full of love.life.forgiveness.imagination.heart. Everything I hope to be...

my days so full seeming-mondane everyday tasks :: I have to stop and remind myself to cherish every.single.fleeting.moment...

my heart is so full of ever growing love for this baby in my belly & each one that came before...

my life is so full of abundant blessings, even through the trials...

so full, oh so full...

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