That was last week?

Have you heard?
It's {babywearing} week!

oh... that was last week?!
and the weeks half over?!

Well too bad! {grin}

all this week {and a little of next} I'll be sharing with you
...all about babywearing!

Let's start with my first babywearing {love}


I remember the day I received my first ring sling in the mail...
after struggling with other carriers I was SO ready to try out a ring sling.

I remember reading the directions on how to thread it through the sliver rings 4 or 5 times.
I just wanted to get it just {right}

As soon as it was threaded correctly I put it on and grabbed my baby boy.

I plopped him in...
pulled the fabric around him
...pulled the tail to adjust
and slid the fabric over my shoulder.

It was on
the baby was secure
and it felt great! least it felt great for the first few minutes.

Then my shoulder started hurting...
I remember thinking "I can't babywear without it hurting...ever!"

however, I was so determined to make it work
...and I had been told by a few people that it was comfortable
So... I just kept trying!

I bet you can guess if I ever made it work?! {grin}

{how} did I do it?


Adjust the position of the baby...
from the hip to front and back again

Adjust the position of the shoulder cap...
from all the way up to all the way over your shoulder

Adjust the height of the baby...
from up above your ribs to down to hips

every mama is different
every baby is different

you just have to find what feels best to you...
if you try I am sure you will find your {sweet} spot.

{When} do I use my ring sling?

Ring slings {and pouches} are great for
UP & down babies

I LOVE to use mine for getting in places
and then taking the baby out.

Or when I know they're going to want UP and down

Or when I want to nurse

....and YES I have been known to wear BOTH girls in the same sling
...for SHORT periods of time. {grin}

If you LOVE bright blue and green just like ME
you can find this ROCKIN' BABY SLING here

and if you don't care for green and blue...
don't tell me! {grin}
No, actually what I was going to say is...
you can find TONS of other
slings HERE

Man babywearing is way too fun! {grin}

are you ready to hear about my next babywearing LOVE?!
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