Weekend Wrap...

Man did this week go fast... I love it when the 'work week' is broken up with a day off or holiday. I... we... love having dad home... I ache for him when he's not here... I don't feel complete. And I know it's hard on him too... being gone all day. Can you imagine what life would be like had 'they' not eaten from the forbidden fruit? WOW!

..Vance is home! Yeah! We missed him so MUCH. God knew exactly what he was doing when he blessed our lives with Vance... I couldn't imagine life without him.

..my in-laws DID cut his hair though, I'm obviously upset and I can't decide if I should blog about it or not... I really want to get it off my chest but I don't want to be inappropriate.

..the bathroom is aLmOst done & I'm loving it so far... I can hardly keep my self from the thrift stores searching for those 'created ideas' in my head. I feel a huge weight lifted from my shoulders knowing the bathroom is so close... this has been a project in the making for a long time. Tis that with an Old Old house.

..my baby took three steps... enough said... tearing up...

..GW got a new blankie in the mail from a wonderful lady we don't even know... kindness ROCKS!

..We've made some family changes these past few weeks and they're really working for us. The tv hasn't been used in the last few weeks .except for 2 or 3 special times. and I've been working on a better nightly routine for the boys... this has been a continuous struggle for our family off and on. I think we finally have the right plan and right sleeping arrangements for the boys. And I've been able to get ahead a little with house stuff with 2 weeks of only three kids.

..We had a good Thanksgiving but Vance and Uncle Nick were so so very missed... awesome food as usual though. Thanks Nana & Papa (with the friskers). :)

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  1. Sounds like a great week, minus the hair cutting! What is up with that?

    We feel the same way about our Daddy... I wish he could work at home too. That would be the ideal situation for us!


  2. I know what you mean. Everything runs much more smoothly and like you said, feels complete when he's here.
    Sorry about the hair!!
    We had to adjust sleeping arrangements last summer around here also. And I feel like doing it again!
    Have a good day!


Thank you for blessing me with your words!
