Look Dad!


I know I woke you up at 4am... and then tossed and turned and squirmed in your bed for 2 1/2 hours... I know you didn't like that very much. I hope you aren't too tired today at work. Maybe you could just take a little nap like me... in your new car maybe? I love you dad! Your O.Z.

*** I did not put him in the car... he climbed in there himself while I was doing the dishes. I moved him from the car to his bed. He slept for a whole....................... 15 minutes! OY!!!! Sorry Pat and Keith... the house just may be a mess when you get here. :)
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1 comment:

  1. Erin and Ozzie have a nack of picking weird places to fall asleep.


Thank you for blessing me with your words!
