oh kittens

we went to see the kittens again
those blue eyes and pink noses...

giving giggles of excitement to little girls...

the boys kept counting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7...

Ozzie said he only wanted kittens if they would play tractors with him...
I had to giggle at their attempts to count and contain
sounds like something I am so familiar with...
snuggling their little bodies in your hands...
in awe of these little creatures...
Grayson found his one...
seriously cute
and dirty from playing in the ashes...
Eliza ventured back to the van and returned with a hat and Garfield book...
then the hunters arrived and we had to go see the deer they killed...
then we left
and drove home debating if we should get 1-2-3-4 or more
how many do you think we'll end up with? {grin}
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  1. Oh, they are SO cute! I love the pictures of the kids holding the kittens. Super cute :-)

    Umm....I think you'll end up with a few more kittens. They are SO hard to resist, when they're that cute :-)


    P.S. Like Saericks said, your photos are SO clear! What kind of camera do you have?

  2. I say you take them all....everyone needs a kittie to sleep with :) Even Mama;)


Thank you for blessing me with your words!
