2 girls meet 2 boys

We had a playdate with another set of twins the other day
...2 1/2 year old identical twin boys

obviously we wanted to remember this occasion...
since we might not see them again for a long time

I wasn't intimidated at the thought of taking a picture of 2 sets of twins
...but I didn't have high expectations either {grin}

at first the girls sat quietly while the boys protested...

and then I bribed them with chocolate covered cranberries
...the girls thought their giddiness was intriguing.
there were FIVE other boys sitting on the other side of the couch
...she has 4 boys too!

their faces were covered in chocolate...
they were done...
and I was thrilled I had the chance to capture the moment with my camera!

I am so glad my 2 girls were able to meet your 2 boys Violet!

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1 comment:

  1. Quiero felicitarte primero por tú hermosa familia y segundo por el blog la verdad lo encontré por casualidad, pero he leído varios post's y me han parecido fabulosos espero sigas así y que algún día dediques un post en Español.

    Un abrazo y muchas bendiciones.


Thank you for blessing me with your words!
