You asked it!

there are so many questions asked

...and unfortunately very few answered

I wish I had enough time to answer them all...

I thought I would answer a few here

...and then open the comments up to any new questions.

i'll try to answer them in the comments

or put them into a new post...

Q: Are you still nursing the twins?

A: Yes, we are still nursing and it is not looking like we will be done for a little while. The girls love to nurse {at the same time} and have formed quite a bond together and with me. More so than the boys... it's absolutely adorable! They usually nurse 4-6 times a day. I am cherishing this time as I know it is fleeting. I have seen some signs that they will start self weaning within the next 6 months... most likely.

Q: Why do you go to church on Saturday?

A: Well quite simply because the church we attend believes that Saturday is the true 7th day and the day God intended for us to keep holy. And I do agree. However I will say... there is no wrong day to worship God, but everyday is the wrong day to worship the devil.

Q: Why did you move?

A: Because that was God's plan. I would like to go back and start our "story" from the beginning... when I have time! I do believe it is something God would like me to share with you... and hopefully bless many of you along the way.

Q: Are you having more kids?

A: hot question of the last 9 years! Ha! At this time no, we do not feel that God is leading us to have more children. Will we? I honestly don't know. Right now we are happy to be our little family of 8.

Q: How is homeschool going?

A: great! it's an adventure like I never could have imagined. We are about half way through our "school" year and going strong. We will finish up this summer and jump into another year... but I will be most likely using another curriculum. We are using My Fathers World right now and do love it, but I feel like there are other options that better fit our family.

Q: What camera do you use?

A: I shoot with a canon 20D... it's old but works!

okay.... now ask away! {grin}

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