anyone else...



having trouble with Picasa? Some of my images look like this in Picasa but not on the camera. Weird! I'm getting odd error reports when trying to post from picasa to blogger too. I hate it when things don't work... i'm too impatient to figure it out most of the time. *grin*

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  1. I love your playlist. I'm really enjoying it!
    Sorry, I haven't noticed any problems with the pix.
    My problem seems to be my links on my sidebar, like themomblogs. I can get the pic but it won't link over. Or I can have the website link but it won't have the pic. Same thing with NaBloPoMo. Ah well.
    Good luck with your pix. Sorry I couldn't help.

  2. That is weird! I haven't noticed anything funky on Picasa the last few days.

    Sometimes I get those odd error reports on blogger - if I completely close it out and then go back in it works just fine. And I can only upload 3 max at a time. Usually I just do two at once because it feels faster :)

    Hope it stops acting funky for you - I love your pictures!!



Thank you for blessing me with your words!
