have you ever

...picked 100 cucumbers in one day?
...wished that either mosquitoes didn't exist or there were more bats?
...missed your mother something terrible?

...had to wash everything in your entire wardrobe, all at once?
...wished you lived in an rv?
...cooked garden beets on the grill?

...drank raw apple cider vinegar with raw honey and warm water?
...taken a truck full of give-away to goodwill 2 days in a row?
...seen newborn kittens learn to walk?

...played a completely unconventional game of baseball with your family?
...gone over your text limit?
...ate cucumbers for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

yeah, me either! {grin}

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1 comment:

  1. raw apple cider vinegar with raw honey and warm water???? I'll give it a go now. Natasha x


Thank you for blessing me with your words!
