day talking

busy. I'm really busy. Which is really no big surprise!

We are still moving all the rooms around. Life doesn't stop for a little room rearrangement.

We spent all day in town yesterday... it was a l-o-n-g day. Library, hardware store, grocery store, Health food store, salvation army, subway, building store, Christmas tree lot...

We made it home with a beautiful tree. Our first real tree since our first year of marriage. Now we just need to put the lights on and decorate! {grin}

I hurt my arm, not sure how, but I pulled something and it hurts. Typing this hurts. boo-hoo!

Everything is white, and I mean everything! All you see when you look out the window is white. It's beautiful! I think we're getting more snow tonight too! It's going to be a white Christmas! {grin}

The girls are still nursing and I'm starting to wonder if they'll ever stop on their own. I really want them to self wean like the boys did. Hmmmm.

The boys won mini care-bears and glow stick cross necklaces at the arcade yesterday. They gave the care-bears to the girls and the girls LOVE them!

okay, the girls & Ozzie are done painting and just climbed on the counter to dump cinnamon and dill into a dish. Oh and now they're playing in the sink. This is why I don't blog during the day! {grin} And my arm really hurts... gotta go!

hope you're all having a great day!

1 comment:

  1. You sound buisly blessed! :) Hope your arm gets better soon!


Thank you for blessing me with your words!
