True or False

Gavin operated the backhoe with his dad today.

We did school after dinner.

We're going on a spontaneous overnight trip with the RV tomorrow.'re the first ones to know. {grin}

There was frost on my bedroom window this morning.

I haven't put on make-up since Saturday.

I saw 3 friends in town yesterday.

I put a contact us {about our winter RV trip} form on my link bar above.

I let Eliza sleep in until 10am this morning
...and she's still up.

Our last group of hunters leave tomorrow.

I schedule most of my posts once a week.
...I write in my journal other days.

We're farming more land next year and it might not all be soy beans.

We tried to make crab-applesauce and it was no good.

The girls have started asking for a baby sister. all girls do this?

One year ago yesterday we saw our then kittens, now cats for the first time.

Ozzie was in the tractor with Grandpa all day long.

I have 10 loads of laundry waiting for me in the basement.

The boys are in love with making stop motion videos. was one of their electives for school.

Our beloved home that we left to move to the farm is officially not ours anymore.

We ate 6 cans of pole-caught tuna for lunch.

I'm thinking about cutting my hair short.

We had our air ducts cleaned, they were really dirty and it was expensive.

My husband thinks we should have bought a motor-home instead of a fifth wheel.
...I sort of think he's right.

I'm thinking about making a video for a blog post soon.

I listen to music all day long.

I gave the girls pretty toes last week, it's almost gone now.

I still have carrots, beets, potatoes & garlic in the garden.

The girls and Ozzie play house everyday.

I had lentil soup for breakfast.

I have a fridge on my front porch.

I think you're awesome if you made it this far.

everything you read is true.

and now it's time for bed.

goodnight friends.


  1. fun blog to read- lots of little updates about your life! :) have a fun overnight trip! 

  2. I think you are awesome, too.
    I think you should get your girls some cute little baby dolls.
    I think you should have a wonderful weekend in the 5th wheel.
    Beckie who thinks she needs to go to be!

  3. You and my daughter have similar hair; big, red, curly and FABULOUS! I have straight, dirty blond big hair. Chop off a few inches before taking the big leap to short. You gorgeous curly heads have a tougher time with short. I had to sell a home I loved, missed foreclosure by 11 days. It was 9 years ago. I'm sorry, it is sad when it's a choice that's not ours. It sounds as if you've done what woman do best, move forward making a home for your family. I imagined myself when we moved into a much smaller home forcing roots into the ground, determined to make a home. Looking forward to your travels this winter.

  4. Lana (11) has been begging for a baby sister lately, too.  I keep telling her that's not like asking for another dog or a new toy, and she can't put it on her Christmas list!  She doesn't like being the youngest, but someone has to be! 

  5. As one who went five years without a little sister...YES! Little girls want a baby sister!! :)

  6. Salt in Suburbia10/21/11, 7:37 AM

    I hope the clean air ducts help your allergies. That's awesome about Gavin and the backhoe. I remember when I was a kid we took a road trip to AK. We met a family who mined gold 500 miles from the nearest town, and both girls (who were the same ages as my sis and I) had been running a backhoe since they were 8. We were so impressed.

  7. Just wanted to say I love your blog!!!!  And yes I think every girl asks for a baby sister. 

  8. Sara Erickson10/21/11, 9:00 AM

    I always asked for a baby sister...but I loved being the youngest too!! ;)

  9. I got a big box of crap apples from the farm by Landa, ND.....started with apple wasn't I turned it into apple butter......turned out yummy....blogged about it....

  10. ok...that was suppose to say crab apples....not crap apples....and somehow I got logged in under my husband - who contributes to a running blog.....not sure what happened.....

  11. i was just going to guess that everything WAS true, ha! 


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