did you know

...it was 36 degrees here today
...I just bought 15 pounds of organic apples and that will only last us a week
...we ripped up the carpet in the kitchen and once we er my husband and sons are done scrapping and sanding we are going to paint the floor
...I bought corn syrup today, if you follow me on twitter you knew this already and even got to see a picture. grin
...we just heard news that they are going to shut down our town post office
...we do school all year
...I think I have the best blog readers and I thank God for all of you.
...the boys and I have been reciting the books of the Bible and now the girls have been heard saying the 1st 5 books on their own
...I think that if the government would let us grow hemp it could save our country
...the kids left their flip flops at our little town park earlier this week and I am sure they will still be there when we go tomorrow
...thats not all I have to say but its time to go! grin


  1. alicia O and the gang5/13/11, 9:40 PM

     So how cute is it to see your little's start saying the books of the bible.  We've gotten through the Old Testament with our kids over the past few months...and no joke...Pearl (just 3 4/29) has almost all of them down as well!  It sounds so wierd, but so cute!!!

  2. Emily Humphries5/14/11, 9:08 AM

     36 degrees oh my word yuck! I have to say I love your post they always manage to make me smile and I can't believe that 15lbs of apples will only last a week. will your kids come teach mine to eat their apples! Have a great day!

  3.  sending warm temps vibes your way, brittany!! 

  4. So glad to here you ripped out the carpet!  The floors are gonna look great after some paint:)  CAn't wait to see pics!

  5. Littleheirstothethrone5/14/11, 3:56 PM

    So hoping for a post on what you're using for school!! :)

  6. brittanyclaire5/18/11, 12:38 AM

    I know! I know... soon... {grin} 

  7. brittanyclaire5/18/11, 12:38 AM

    me too! I can't wait! Now if we can just get the fields seeded and my husband back we can start working on it again.

  8. brittanyclaire5/18/11, 12:39 AM

    and your comments make me smile! 


Thank you for blessing me with your words!
