Chances are...

...if there is a tractor or truck running- at least one of my boys are in it

...if the house is quiet- the boys are busy working with dad and the girls are sleeping

...if we're driving somewhere and Gramps & Grandma are going too- at least one of the boys ride along with them

...if we see storm clouds- they will pass us by without a drop of rain

...if we hear a buzzing sound- the boys will be swatting flies within seconds

...if the dog barks- someone new is on the farm

...if Ozzie hears a tractor, pick-up, semi, gator or car- he can tell you which one it is

...if laundry is hanging on the line- a bird will mess on at least one piece

...if you stopped by- you would see dishes drying on the rack

...if we walk in next door- we'll see Gramps sitting on the couch asleep or almost asleep

...if we look around and don't see Ozzie- he's escaped and went to see Grandma

...if we eat with G&G- we'll have cherries or cookies for dessert

...if the door bell rings- it's Grandma or Ozzie

...if mom is cooking- I'll have a few helpers

...if you checked into the boys rooms- they would be clean

...if the house is quiet and the boys are IN the house- they are reading or listening to Jonathan Park

...if you saw the girls hair- you wouldn't believe how curly it has become

...if you liked reading this- you might play along too {grin}

I'd love it if you would play along too... it was all too much fun and I must give all credit to Carrie for thinking it up! She says I'm her inspiration but I think we inspire each other! {grin}

Carrie added a mcklinky to her blog... so if you're playing along go sign up HERE.
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  1. What a great slice o' life that was to read about! I bet it's extra special to know that you're recording all these memories from the farm huh?

    Can't wait to see the curls!

  2. I just did this on my blog, too. Love it!

  3. Love this idea!
    I will be posting my own soon!

  4. That's a great idea......I'll try to post one too!
    We had fun on a farm today about it coming very soon.....

  5. FYI I've updated my post to include a MckLinky so we can all read each other's posts. :)

  6. SO sweet! I love your blog and love your pictures! I'm jealous that your boys' rooms would be clean if I 'popped in.'

  7. Loved hearing a little bit about your life. Cute post!

  8. That picture if FABULOUS!! Sounds like you all are fitting in just fine on the farm!

  9. Just wanted to let you know that I am loving the farm updates. Wish I could get away for a bit and enjoy a farm.

  10. We can totally relate the clouds and no rain!

  11. I love these kind of posts. We need pictures of the curls! Hope your having a great time!

  12. What a fun McLinky! Loved your post... sounds like you are all enjoying your stay at the farm:)

  13. Love it!

    I'll have to check out Jonathan Park!


Thank you for blessing me with your words!
