Saturday night 5pm
We load everyone up, got to the store, start unloading. I realize I forgot socks for the girls and I was planning on wearing them in the sling and pouch so no socks=no good. I figure we won't be in there too long and I can use my scarf around their feet if they get cold. We all make it through the parking lot... we're getting stares already. We get inside, it had been raining so the carts are wet and I soaked the bottom of my pants walking through the parking lot. I hate that!!
Right then and there I should have known this was going to turn out very badly! Ha!
The little boys wanted the 'car' cart... Ozzie and Gavin piled into the little car, with Vance and Gavin taking turns riding on top of the car. Grayson and Vance walked and I carried the girls... one in the meeup and one in the maya wrap. And Dad pushed the cart. It's only seconds before we are stopped for our first round on comments and questions. I was trying to keep everyone moving... we HAD to get through the store before something bad happened. You know, the melt down, asking if we're almost done, starting to eat the food, ect.
Fast forward an hour and a half... we're ALMOST done. We've talked with over a dozen people, opened 2 bottles of water, avoided any fits, tantrums, fighting.... it's going good. Slow, but good. The cart was full.... I mean REALLY full! I had already grabbed 3 bags of apples but decided to grab another so we swing back by the apples I pick up 2 more bags and as soon as I set them in the cart everything went black.
The ENTIRE store was pitch black... it was dark outside... there were NO lights anywhere. I immediately reach out to touch each kid, thank goodness they were all within arms length. Paul and I instruct them to stay where they are, in the 'car' or holding onto the cart. We didn't move... we weren't sure where to go. We literally could not see ANYTHING. A minute later the lights came on and we all let out a big sigh and started walking towards the front. We took 2 steps and the lights went off again. This time with a obvious let down of the generator. I think we both knew the lights were not going to come back on. Remembering the path we were on Paul started leading us towards the front slowly. I kept talking to all the kids to make sure they were still there. It was freaky... those big buildings don't have windows so without lights it was a complete black out. We could hear other people talking quietly, wondering what was going on. You could hear carts moving slowly, with lots of pauses in between steps.
After what felt like 30 minutes we made it to the front. They had opened the front doors and the moonlight was the only light. Everyone was frozen, not sure what to do, wondering if or when the lights would come back on. A few people left, then more followed, we wanted to leave but we didn't want to leave all of the food that we had just worked so hard for. 2 hours, six kids, $300 worth of food. Plus we NEEDED some of that food that night. We waited around for 30 more minutes... we kept hoping that the lights would come back on. But they didn't and it was getting cold. So we all shuffled out of the dark store... the boys were bummed... we were all hungry and worn out and we had no food!
We went and picked up subway and the boys ate in the car while I ran into another grocery store to get the must haves. On our way back home we called the store to see if by any chance they had the power on and hadn't put our food away yet... we were already dreading doing it all over again the next day. They did have back up power on and our food was not put away but they had closed down for the night. Bummer!! Oh and right before we were done, I had given my list to Gavin, you know, since I wouldn't need it again! So the next day we went to the store again {different store}, with only 4 kids this time and no list, and spent $340.
I think I'm ready for a break from the grocery store now! {grin} Except it's been a week and time to go back again! I think I might go alone this time so I can speed through before something bad happens! Ha!
I will think twice before I complain about grocery shopping with my TWO kids again! That is quite a story. I have never been in a grocery store in the dark, but I can imagine that it was scary. I know my sweet Libby would be terrified!
ReplyDeleteyou are one brave women to take that many little ones to the grocery store--i have a hard time taking two =)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! You are a very brave woman. I hate taking two kids to the store and avoid doing it at all costs :) I can't believe the lights went out. That would be so freaky!
ReplyDelete~ Lacie
What a bummer, I think I can honestly say I hate grocery shopping and that is without major mishaps!
ReplyDeleteWow and I thought my grocery shopping mishaps were bad! That probably ranks at the top of any I've heard or experienced. You are so brave to even attempt that!
ReplyDeleteWhat a pain! Why can't those things ever happen at the beginning of the shopping trip? How frustrating to have gone through all the work only to have to drop it there at the end and leave empty handed!
That actually happened to me at Target right after Christmas. Power went out with a cart full waiting in line to be checked out. Luckily I was kid-less though and none of it was necessity that I couldn't do without for another few days...At least you handled yourself calmly under the circumstances. I couldn't believe how rude and nasty the customers were to the cashiers when it happened to me. As if it was that 17 year old girls whole plan from the beginning to ruin everyone's shopping trip that day, lol. I really felt sorry for them!
You my friend, are veryveryvery brave.
ReplyDeleteI now how terrible a grocery store visit is with TWO under TWO. I can only imagine what it is like with 6. You deserve a special place in Heaven. :-)
I know how you feel. I have four kids the youngest being two year old twin boys. thank the Lord for Publix free cookies, sometimes it makes the difference between meltdown city and a successful trip.
ReplyDeleteWow! I was in a target once when the lights went out, it really it very strange and creepy, your description and how you got that across is dead on. =) Only I wasn't also worrying about 6 kiddos at the time.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I was complaining about taking my one child to the store earlier this week (he's gotten so LOUD) guys ROCK! ;)
Scary stuff!!! What an eventful trip to the store. Sounds like the kiddos were on their best behaviour given the circumstances!
ReplyDeleteNext time remember that cell phones make great flashlights when the power goes out. I've learned this the hard way!
Wow that is crazy.... I can't imagine taking six kids to the grocery store...I complain when we have to take Emma in.... well not so much Emma, but John and Emma :) You are a brave woman!!
ReplyDeleteThat was a LOT of work to have to just walk away from!! A whole cart of groceries.... darn!
ReplyDeleteI shop alone, early Saturday mornings. It stinks to get up so early but there is NO one out at that hour. I can zip through so fast. And, in a weird way, it is kind of relaxing.
I bet this experience will make for a fun memory... someday :)
oh my! that is just your luck, eh?
ReplyDeleteI try to grocery shop alone any chance I get!
Oh how I hate the massive, cumbersome "car" cart! ;) My boys insist on riding in it too and I can barely push it let alone actually navigate it properly. All I can say is "watch out people" this mom's got some serious momentum going so step aside :)
ReplyDeleteHoly cow I cannot imagine your grocery bill with 4 boys. I am really starting to notice how much my two are eating these days and I just know we are going to have to get a deep freezer at some point to have a good supply going when they are teenagers.
The key to avoiding conversations is to avoid eye contact...appear like you are on a mission (which you are) and stay focused. That should cut down on the ones who are on the fence about stopping you to talk. There will always be ones who are determined to stop you to find out why on earth you would want that many children.
ReplyDeleteOh man, I have a hard time with my one! I can't imagine with 6 and with the lights out! That would be really scary! Its scary enough when the lights go out in your home and you can't see anything!
ReplyDeleteI am glad you had everyone close by and they stayed calm! I am sorry you where not able to get your food!!
Should have been free! Or gave them your list and they could check you out tomorrow ha ha!
Brittany I would love to see a picture of you carrying the girls in the slings. I just thik it's SO way cool that you do it and would love to see how it's done! Even though you didn't get your groceries like rock for even attempting to go out with all 6 of them :)
Oh my goodness! Here I was moaning about my grocery store experience when the only thing that happened was I needed help getting the babies situated in the top of the racecar cart. You are brave for taking everyone! I LOVE going by myself. That's often the only alone time I get, so I take my time. :)
ReplyDeleteWow Woman. My sister-in-law had 6 under the age of 8 and I remember going to the store for her so she wouldn't have to do that. No fun for sure.
ReplyDeleteI hate when my pants get wet too. Very irritating ;) But, not as irritating as the lights going out at the store!
Go by yourself this time and get some chocolate while you're there :)
Wow. That sounds fun! I can't believe they just closed the store, think of all the food that went to waste! Glad you all got to eat though!
ReplyDeleteI had that experience in Target once with my boys. It was only for a minute but felt like 10! I would love to see a picture of you wearing both babies!
ReplyDeleteWe used to do alot of errands when we had 4 kids, but now that we have 6, I'm with you! It just takes too long, even if there are no meltdowns.
ReplyDeleteNow that is an exciting grocery store trip!!!! Thanks for sharing... what a great story... NOW... not when it was actually happening :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! I have never had that much trouble in a store. But I have brought at the least 5 kids with me to the store ranging from 7 down. I know what you mean about the stares. You have to wander if people have never seen kids before! However, doing that alone with no husband usually gets me more stares! I hope your next trip is a bit more uneventful!
ReplyDeleteLol...I love to see all the 'you're very brave" and 'I can't believe you go out with all 6 kids!' comments. We have 5, and we get the same thing.(Along with comments like, 'Are they ALL yours??' and 'Wow! You really have your hands full, don't you?' and probably my favorite, 'Are ya'll done (having kids) yet??' I realize these comments are not usually meant to be hurtful, or insulting, but sometimes they really rub us the wrong way! They are our children, and we actually enjoy taking them places!! Ours are spread out more agewise (8mo-12) but it's still stressful sometimes taking them all in a store. Also, there is too much marketing targeted specifically at children, and that only makes it that much harder!! I love that you carry the babies in their slings! I have never tried a sling, but after reading a few bloggers who just gush over them, I may try one with my 8 month old. Thanks for sharing the life of your wonderful, big family. It's nice to know there are others with our unique blessings!!
ReplyDeleteOh my! I have a hard enough time with my 3 under 3! My husband always wants to make shopping a family affair though, so we manage.
ReplyDeleteActually, if I had infrared goggles, a pitch black store would be rather nice. That way no one could see how many children I had, they wouldn't have to wonder whether any were twins, how close their birthdays are, and whether they are all girls. Yes, that would do nicely...
Girl, out of ALL the places I dread being w/ all five of my kids is at the grocery store!! I wait till hubby goes by himself, or I'll go by myself when he gets home. I never take all my kids there anymore! Costco, the mall, & other places are no big deal, but for some reason, the grocery store seems like such a hassle!
ReplyDeleteKids & Grocery Store = OMG
ReplyDeleteI'll take my two for just a few things..but are my hero!
That sounds like a grocery trip for h-e-double toothpicks!
ReplyDeleteI so get this experience up until the black out bit. I've never had that. Our stores don't really stay open that late!
ReplyDeleteNow that my tummy is showing I get mixed reactions about having them so close together.
Yesterday I was told by another American friend that I was crazy for having them so close together. Even after explaining our reason she still thought we were crazy!
Wow! I hate grocery shopping the way it is. I think if I had an expierence like that I would never go again. Ha!
ReplyDeleteWow that's crazy! The lights going off that is. Glad Paul was with you to help get the troop outside - can't imagine what they would have looked like had you been on your own! And yeah, I'd be sick of the grocery store by now. I have to say, the fact that you are even willing to take all the boys shopping with the girls in slings is a testament to the fact that you and Paul are great parents and really on top of their behavior. Not that I'm trying to tell you that you have angels - I'm sure they have their days too. But ... it sounds like you have some pretty wonderful, well-behaved little men in your house. *hugs!*
ReplyDeleteYou - my dear - are so much more brave than I! I don't even like the idea of 3 kids with me at the store. And then to have all the extra stress of the power and inquiring minds....
ReplyDeleteGod truly has blessed you with a patience for your life and circumstances. You were clearly hand-picked for your life.
Kuddos to you for making it through that all!!!
Brittany - I read your blog daily but have never commented. Just one word of advice: keep a little flashlight in your purse or pocket.
Bummer! I used to work at Kmart and we had the lights go out and stay out was so werid to be in total darkness. They sent us around with flashlights to round up the customers so everyone was safe. It was an interesting experience.
ReplyDeleteSo frustrating for you ! I can't even imagine what I would have done :} Probably made a break for the door with the cart.
ReplyDeleteI know I will never complain when I only need to take my two little ones to the store.
Oh man, that stinks! At least there were no major meltdowns, right? ; )
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThat's some story, but at least it didn't involve any meltdowns, right?
ReplyDeleteThe blackout would have totally freaked me out, though.
I hate when the lights go out at the grocery store!! The only windows are up front by the registers, but you have to find your way there! Sounds like the boys were very brave! I am proud of them ! I never do a "big" shopping with my kids. I have three boys (6,5,2-and #4 *girl* on the way). I either go on Sat when Daddy is home or at night. Paul is so good to go with you!
ReplyDeleteI think you deserve a gift card for your next trip with all that trouble! Goodness gracious!
ReplyDeletewow. i cannot imagine!
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad for you, but you made it and sometime that is all we can do!
ReplyDeleteWow you guys are gusty for even attempting this with the two of you! I have a hard enough time with just two. I always make sure I have plenty of snacks!
ReplyDeleteHave you looked into do your grocery shopping online and then picking it up at the store or having them deliver it?
Oh, you poor thing! What a drag!
ReplyDeleteI would certainly pick up food and deliver it to your door...if I wasn't a few time zones away from you.
): first when you said that the store went black...I thought you meant you blacked out or fainted or something!
ReplyDeleteOh you poor thing! I know how hard it is to shop with kids. Well two not SIX! It's draining and by the end of the store you are just throwing stuff in to hurry out. Oh and add in the fun of pushing that darn car cart. WHO ever invented that thing?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the lights went out. That is terrible {if not a little funny for the post :) }It's terrible but it did make me giggle a little {grin}
I'm new here! What a great blog :)
ReplyDeleteThat would be my worst fear grocery shopping with all my kids. I am so glad that Paul was with you :)
ReplyDeleteOh man! How frustrating!
ReplyDeleteYou poor thang...almost done shopping and the power went out...darn!! I know leaving those things behind was a bummer after taking all 6 kids with you..and making it that far with no problems...
ReplyDeleteYou did excellent!!
I agree with the other commenter above asking to see you wearing both girls in the wraps/slings...I think it is so neat!
You sure have a beautiful family :)
That stinks! Really stinks, I'm sorry. What an adventure though, right? ; )
ReplyDeleteAt least you have a story to tell now & later!
I get looks with just 4! I hope you were greeted with only nice comments. : )
I'm jealous... only $300 won't get you through the week in a few years with them boys girlie!
ReplyDeletewhat an adventure.
I have 4 small children - I don't take them all to the grocery story, I don't even like to take one unless it's my 9 month old. About once a month, my hubby and I take all four kids to Sam's club for our big shopping trip and dinner (cause it's so stinkin cheap). There have been many fun, frustrating and not-so-good moments that have come about because of these family trips to Sam's, but I have to say nothing quite as bad as yours. So hats off to you for even trying, kudos for having the energy to blog about it, and what a joy to be able to show off your beautiful family when most people (if they dare have 6 kids) would probably never come out of the house.
ReplyDeleteI can not even emagine the looks, comments, and questions you get whey you go out with all the kids. I get stopped all the time and I only have 3 :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry it was such an adventure. I'm glad you got your grocerys finally though
What an adventure you had. I have only 4 kids and avoid taking them when ever possible. Not b/c they are those kids that misbehave and what have you, but it is very stressful and it does take so much longer. Every now and then it is nice though for all of us, including hubby, to make the routine trip as a family. I don't know why people feel the need to stop you to tell you "You've got your hands full" Like that was something that never occurred to me before. Well look at it this way, it gave us an entertaining story to read:)
ReplyDeleteI think you must be some kind of saint. I would have lost it.
ReplyDeleteSubway is always a good runner up!
first I would love to see a photo of you wearing both girls? didn't think it could be done and YOUR POOR BACK!
ReplyDeleteto the groceries -why don't you peapod?
Wow! I have a hard enough time with two kids at the grocery store! I would've been so frustrated in the same situation! I'm glad you made it through the darkness! (o: