little men... big men...

The other morning Gavin came into our room to say Good morning and noticed that on dads side of the bed there were clothes laying on the floor. Not a lot... just his work clothes and then his 'after work' clothes. Gavin said very matter of fact

"Dad you sure do make a mess with all these clothes... you should pick them up and put them where they belong"

Mom: "where do dirty clothes goes?"
Gavin: "in the basket"
Mom: "what about if they are clean?"
Gavin: "on the bed" (this is our little rule... if it's dirty it goes in the basket if it's clean you can put it on your bed or dresser so mom knows it's clean and can fold it since I haven't taught them that yet)
and then this is where it really gave me a giggle...

Gavin: "you know dad... I don't put my clothes in the basket because you don't... you're not being a good in-fuence on me. I'll tell you what, if you start picking up your clothes I'll pick up mine. Is that a deal or what?"
Dad: "good deal buddy, you're right I should have picked my clothes up"
Gavin: "that's okay dad... i'll do it for you today"

and then he happily picked up all dads clothes and put them in the basket and helped me put away the clean ones.

These are the little moments I hope to never forget... priceless

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  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! what a little love.

  2. What a buddy! I love it!

  3. That is absolutely too funny!

  4. It is so "fun" when your children correct you, or better yet your spouse :) At least you know that things are sinking in :)

    Your boy is sure cute, and a sweetie too!

  5. Isn't he awesome! Gavin sure is going to make an excellent Dad someday, if he so chooses!


  6. Oh my! That's incredibly adorable, just like Gavin! :-)

  7. HAHAHA! Was dad ashamed?

  8. What a sweet, sweet, thoughtful boy!! (Let's hope Daddy keeps up his end of the bargain!)

  9. He's quite the effective negotiator!

  10. That is so sweet that your boys are looking out for their Momma. I am going to see if I can get Bubbie to get on his father about not putting his clothes in the basket, maybe he will listen to him (LOL) :)

  11. One of my favorite posts that I do a couple of times a month is my 'funnies' posts. I jot down little tidbits of the funny things that my boys say, and then blog all of them every few weeks. In fact, I just put a new one up on Friday! :-) I love love love the cute little things they say, like Gavin's admonishment to his daddy *giggle* and I never want to forget them either! Blogging gives me that 'forever record', if you know what I mean! GREAT post!

  12. Awwww! Very sweet and what a smart little guy!!!! :))

  13. How funny! What a smart little guy he is, not to mention adorable!

  14. Oh girl, you're teachin' 'em well!! I like your little rule. Unfortunately my son likes NOTHING on his bed except for all his stuffed puppies, pillows and blankets.

    That's a smart boy you have there!

  15. That is SO sweet!! :) What a precious little man, you have!

  16. Too cute! You have taught him well. =)

  17. Stunned. But at the same time...not suprised haha

  18. I'm definitely doing something kids have never done this for me! :)

  19. Such a smart boy! And how nice that you don't have to nag the hubby, and that you have a little guy to do the nagging (politely, of course) for you!
    So cute!

  20. That is just too precious! I think that would make even my Hubby pick up after himself after a discussion like that with one of our boys. lol!

  21. Brittany, I have enjoyed your blog. That story is great! And I think I will steal your rule about dirties in the basket, and cleans on the bed! Thanks.

  22. Kids teach us so much!


Thank you for blessing me with your words!
